Small THING !

As salamualaikum,

Tadi petang I thought class kannada tak ada because biro akademik said this week all language classes tak akan start lagi .So I pun balik bilik then realized yang battery phone dah nazaq.Then I off my phone to charge it laa.And without realizing bahayanya tutup phone masa kerja *chewaah(9-5pm).I order buku from one of my friend sebab beli dekat dia cheaper compared to beli under senior.Unfortunetely eventhough I dah bayar , dia minta everyone yang order buku untuk hantar mesej kat dia and I tutup phone so I don’t know anything about that matter.Bila bukak phone ja dia mesej kata because I tak hantar mesej kat dia  , buku I tak masuk list and dia kan give my money back.I was so angry then sebab ya laa..dah bayar  kot .But I remain calm sebab tak cool laa gaduh kat university , macam bebudak.

I rasa geram why dia buat macam tu sebab dia tau I nak only one book.
I rasa geram why I off my phone.
I rasa geram sebab skip my very first class kannada.

Tapi tulaa allah ‘s plan will always be the best plan , baru ja tadi ada akak nak letgo buku tu for free but edition tahun lepas , and ingat nak jimat 80 rupees now I jimat almost 1000 rupees , see!

I tersentap !

Baiknyaa allah kat i.

Layak kah kita tanya why that certain things happen to us?..Allahu

I personally don’t think this is small matter , tapi sedap pulak tajuk tu.
Kita always salahkan diri / orang lain yang paling teruk questioned allah why this or that happen to  us , without realizing siapa on top of everything.
So I hope orang lain tak macam ni , try to accept everything wholeheartedly.I know sometimes it will be very hard but that is the time kita kena tanya balik diri sendiri siapa yang plan everything untuk jadi macam ni?

Yes , he is our creator.

Stop questioning  and start accepting !
Insyaallah life will be much more easier.

Sejak datang sini banyak benda benda macam ni jadi , I now I can say I am grateful sebab allah campakkan I kat sini.

Doakan I terus qawiyy.

Thanks Allah!


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