N A M A S T E I N D I A !

As salamualaikum wbt ,

I baru sedar yang writing is so not my forte , haha.There are so much things to write about but bila buka computer satu pun tak keluar , hermm.
Tapi hari ni , sebab bosan sangat , class still tak start lagi so I thought of writing something.


Namaskar India  !

I dah sampai India 6 days ago  and I experienced many new things throughout the journey .

So basically my route to India to macam semua orang laa , tak adalah transit mana mana , so kiranya tak daklaa adventurous mana.

     Perlis à KLIA  à  Bengaluru International Airport à Belgaum Airport
28th of August 2016

Bertolak dari Perlis to Kelantan sebab akan kem pimpin siswa kat USMKK . Kem tu until 31st  of August 2016 .

31st  of August 2016

8 pm gerak ke Sultan Ismail Petra Airport eventhough flight pukul 11 malam , then delay to 11.30 pm kot.

Sampai rumah dah around 1 am.

1st of September  2016

Esok tu pukul 5pm dah gerak to KLIA , sampai sana my beg dah exceed limit ! 36 kilo pulak  tu , then mulalah pencarian beg tumpangan , nasib baik there was this one friend yang beg dia only 18 kg..like seriously..fuh lega.Pindahkan laa barang pi beg dia .Then my flight was delayed from 10pm to 10.30pm , by the time nak depart dah 11.30pm .

2nd of September 2016

Sampai Bangalore International Airport  around 12 am . By the time nak collect luggage ,imigresen and officially got out of the airport dah pukul 1.30am.Then En Sahubar , wakil JPA  mai ambik kami and gerak terus to hotel which was 40minutes time from the airport  , Southern Stars yang memang cantik and makanan sedap ! But unfortunately that morning around 6.30am locals ni nak buat demonstration ( gaduh pasal air rasanya ) so certain road kat Bangalore akan ditutup . Dah laa sampai hotel around 2am , lepas makan malam (we supposed to check in pukul 11.30pm) , masuk bilik  sekejap dalam satum jam setengah then kena kumpul kat lobby balik sebab nak escape dari demo tu. Dengan tak cukup tidur and tak mandi sebab terlelap and bila bangun dah 4.15am , buat ja apa yang patut terus kumpul.Bus gerak around 5am.

Sampai airport Bangalore dalam pukul 6am , note that our domestic flight to Belgaum supposed to be at 10.30 am but again delayed to 11.30am.Fuhh!
Melepak laa kat airport sampai naik flight.

Around 12pm ..YEAY dah sampai !
Serious talk airport Belgaum ni kecik sangat!Just cukup untuk passenger masuk ambik luggage and keluar , like a straight line.And one more thing , keadaan dia quite daif laa.

Pukul 1.30pm dah sampai depan hostel.The sad thing is kami first flight so tak banyak orang sambut , only few seniors was there but tak kisahlah sebab at last DAH SAMPAI !

Nota kaki : Gambar and Video I akan share kat the next post , Stay Tuned Peeps !


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