

As salam....faham x?..maksud die welcome..specially dedicated to myself..haha..ye laa..actually this is my third blog..x tau la nk tahan lama mana..actually..memang teringin nak buat blog..since before PMR lagi....harap kekal lama laa blog nie...
im an average girl..gorgeous?..mybe..haha..
skin?..i dont think  im dark..but..hitam manis sounds better..*sweet n salty*..haha
im 5 feet 0 inch..quite short..uhh..but actually short is cute..
basically..im fifteen..still being text books best friend..
irsya adilah is my pen name..hehe..*syok kot ada nm pena*..hehe..

lgi apa?..that's all..for intro cukup kot..nnti2 ..irsya tmbh lagi..nk tmbh perisa pa..? wassalam..


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